Smart Trading Journal

The Dashboard is where all trading statistics and the current portfolio composition is presented. At the bottom section strategy & scoring evaluation will provide separate details for specified strategies as well as user predefined trade emotion and execution ratings. The leading 10 strategies at the Settings definition section will be available for comparison and aggregation to each other.

There are several possibilities to manipulate the graphics of the Return and Trade Distribution, e.g. the Moving Average indicators period value or the number of the Last Trades statistics section.

Depending on the sidemenu toggle and trade filter selection within the Trade Review page the separate statistics divisions will be visible or not.

The Watchlist will keep an eye on your hottest picks for the moment. Two separate charts with their own interval and period settings display each selected symbols price and volume history.

Symbol sorting is available by double-clicking the desired column header.

Manage your Portfolio for each or all account(s) with the Smart Trading Journal.

The detailed account equity and free trading risk provide a fast overview of available liquidity for the next trades. In conjunction with the risk impact calculation the user will always know about worst and best outcome scenarios. Free trading risk is deriveed from a flexible input of individual predefined risk levels.

A comprehensive Calculator section with account(s) trades history optimal f and a bootstrapped average optimal f calculation, a portfolio and free liquidity dependent position size calculator and an optimal position size simulator based on trading history and/or individual R-Multiples.
The quick symbol lookup will pull price info right away.

Especially the simulation of random trades series to estimate the attainment of a certain objective or a maximum tolerable drawdown before trading stop will lead the way to an optimal position sizing of trades. Results of the simulation can then be used for the position size calculator. This will maximize profits and minimze the chance of bankruptcy.

The Trade Review is the most important part to manage trades in the Smart Trading Journal.
The filter area has got several filter boxes which apply different filters to the trades list. It is easy to have a look at specific trading intervals or separate trading strategies. A preview will show the corresponding return chart for the filtered trades.
An export of filtered trades is done with a simple click on the export button if desired.

In comparison to the Trade Review the Monthly Report will list all user activity in a monthly aggregated listing. This includes trading activity, dividends and interest payments as well as deposits and withdrawals.
The option to hide months with no activity is usefull if the user is participating on a long term investment strategy and will not have as many trades as a daytrader e.g.

Positionanalysis is a means of ranking traded symbols in a ladder style format and will show the user which symbols perform best and/or are traded the most.
If trading is not limited to a single class of assets this page will also provide information on the volume and profitability of traded classes.

The Dividends listing will keep all received dividends in a separate page area.
Dividends can be added, edited, removed and export in the same way as with trades in the Trade Review.

As with the Dividends list the Account Transactions page is an overview to all remaining transactions for every account.
Add and edit account deposits, withdrawals and/or interest payments received or paid. It is neccessary to input every transaction to keep the Smart Trading Journal in sync with real accounts.

The Smart Trading Journal will automatically calculate a Tax Report of all your activities (as a general format based on german tax regulation).
The possibility to organize trading and bank accounts into specific tax groups which are subject of varying tax settings will enable a diversified evaluation of accounts that are not correlated to each other regarding taxation.
Keep in mind, there is always the possibility to set manual tax to every trade if desired.

The Accounts page is of great use for the multiple accounts version of the Smart Trading Journal.
Get an overview of the single trading accounts and portfolios manged by the journal. Different accounts may be selected to evaluate their combined performance.
It is easy to identify which accounts received most deposits and have had the largest withdrawals.

The Settings page is where the user will setup all relevant account and trading options for the Smart Trading Journal.
There is also a possibility to remove, import and export all transactions at once or access the license page.